New tattoo artist

New tattoo artist in Tattooend

Well well summer is here, hope you all enjoy British summer, with all that glory and miserablity. It looks like almost all the 4

seasons happens to appear. Hence it is the reason we love it, don’t we? They say Spring is the time of new beginning. It looks like for Tattooend its actually Summer. I think i spoke enough about weather, let me tell you what is happening in our tattoo studio in the heart of London.

There is a new beginning for Vivi, it means she will start a new life, in her home country, in a new studio. Yes, she is moving back to Hungary for good. Fingers crossed for her as she is very nervous about all these changes. So we are.

It means that we will have a new tattoo artist in our little parlour, a young talented team member. We know already who it is, and will share more about him. You can find his facebook profile or Instagram. Please check links bellow:

I have to say Tattooend’s palette will be more colourfull with this fella tattoo artist, as he loves doing Oriental tattoos, traditional and neotraditional tattoos. Basically we are very excited about him joining to our team.

New, new, new. All new!!!!

How about you guys? Have you got any life changing plan for this summer?

If you have no plans, you may want a new tattoo, while you figure out your lifeplan.

Stay tuned with us, follow us, email us. We will be more than happy to answer any of your questions as soon as it related to tattoos.

Look out people George is coming!

Let it begin!

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